Welcome to AntivirusBasics.com! Choosing the best antivirus software can be a difficult and complex decision. There is a seemingly endless list of antivirus providers in the market competing for your wallet. Naturally, all of them claim to be the best at protecting your computer, tablets, and phones.
But who is telling the truth?
To make matters worse, many review websites have financial incentives to recommend certain products over others.
We couldn’t find a reputable Antivirus Review website, so we built our own.
Our small but mighty team bought, downloaded, installed, and pressure-tested each of the security products listed on this website. We then designed our own scoring system based on several key factors including device protection, customer support options, pricing, and overall virus elimination capabilities.
Every month we go back and review each product to see if any factor warrants a change to a score, rating, or review. That way no matter when you are looking to purchase software, you’ll be getting the best and latest information.
How do you make money?
Our intention in designing this website was not to make money, but instead provide a comprehensive resource to antivirus software customers everywhere. We are nerds, and we love this stuff. With that in mind, if you do click out on some of our links to some of the providers on this website, and make a purchase, we do receive a small commission. This is to help keep the lights on. We’ve designed our scoring criteria around a variety of factors and attributes we believe ware are important to you as a buyer.
Send us your REAL HONEST reviews!
Our expertise and passion only go so far. That’s why we have a “leave a review” link on every product page. We want your real feedback on each antivirus software package. If you have a few minutes we’d greatly appreciate your honest feedback – you’ll help us zero in on areas that are important to you, but also help the greater good make a good decision.
Have you tested {name} software?
If we’ve tested it, we’ve listed it on this site! Some of the very niche and small brands of antivirus software we are unable to test for a variety of reasons. Regardless, let us know if you have found one that we should look at by emailing us: [email protected].